Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Charlotte Web Design & Digital Agency Incorporates New Web Design Technologies

the idea people 2012 icon copy jpg New Web Design Best PracticesThe Idea People incorporate web design best practices into each of our client websites.  As the Internet and web technologies evolve, it is always within our own best interest as a top Charlotte web design firm to incorporate these technologies into our web design best practices.

So what are these new technologies?  And why should you need to know about them?  Just as you and your company learned about Flash, Meta Tags, and “SEO”, there are some new website development terms that you will want to adopt as you move your company website forward.

New Technologies in Web Design Best Practices

1.  HTML5.  HTML standard was created in 1990 and standardized as HTML4 in 1997.  HTML5 is the fifth HTML5 logo New Web Design Best Practicesrevision of HTML.  HTML5 is the language used for structuring and presenting content within a website.  The Idea People uses HTML5 in our client websites to accomplish tasks like supporting the latest multimedia and keeping your website easily read and understood by new web devices like mobile phones, tablets and web browsers.  HTML5 can eliminate old APIs or plug-ins that browsers need to make multimedia and applications work correctly.

2.  CSS3.  CSS (cascading style sheets) is used as a web design standard to separate web fonts, colors and layouts.  CSS gives your website the ability to separate website document content (the HTML code behind the scenes)  from website documentation presentation (the visual elements you actually see).  CSS3 works in levels called “modules”.  These levels allow web designers to partition out modules like backgrounds and colors, media queries and multi-column layouts.  This works well for a new trend of website design called Responsive Design.

3.  Responsive Web Design.  The future of the web is moving beyond designing for one device.  The future of the web is about designing websites that display across multiple device platforms…seamlessly.  Responsive Web Design includes fluid widths, scalable images and adjustable layouts that remain consistent across all platforms, whether you’re accessing the website on a mobile phone, tablet, desktop computer or wide-screen.

The Idea People embrace these web technologies because a large part of our company mission is to take our clients to where the web is going.  We have been doing this since 1994.  If you would like to learn about implementing these new web design technologies into your company website, please call Jay Joyce at The Idea People at 704-398-4437 or email jay@theideapeople.com.  We will take you where the web is going.™