Thursday, March 10, 2011

Charlotte Business Social Media Workshops – Use Social Media to Grow Your Business

The Idea People Business Social Media4 Charlotte Social Media Business Workshops   Use Social Media to Grow Your BusinessBusiness owners and companies across Charlotte are turning to the clouds and embracing business social media.  But monitor it carefully…let’s assign a committee and task force to monitor the posts on Facebook and Twitter so no competitors or unhappy customers post any disparaging remarks!  OK, we’re past all of that…there are built-in comment monitoring features for everything.

Now that your nightmare is resolved about your company’s business social media, what else can you do with social media that will actually help grow your business?

Business social media for Charlotte businesses has grown way past the standard Facebook and Twitter pages.  The purpose of business social media is two-fold, at least according to The Idea People and our social media clients!

1.  Business social media should attract your customer’s social media lifestyle and routine.

2.  Business social media should boost your Internet presence and organic search rankings.

Making social media work for your business is way past monitoring comments that are posted.  Sure,The Idea People Business Social Media3 Charlotte Social Media Business Workshops   Use Social Media to Grow Your Business you should do that.  But technology really does that for you!  All businesses, regardless of size, should be embracing business social media as a  proactive tool to form new customer relationships online while enjoying the boost in organic search rankings.

How does social media best boost your company’s natural organic search rankings?  This is the challenging part.  It takes attention and weekly, if not several times a week, monitoring and adjusting.  Trophy keywords and keyword phrases are crucial.  The search engines have adjusted their internal algorithms to serve the most relevant, freshest information on the Internet when a user starts a search.  The engines want the newest content to deliver to hungry searchers.

Here’s where your business social media strategy comes into play.  You need to be feeding the search engines, and your prospective customers, a steady diet of highly-relevant, fresh content related to your company’s trophy keywords and keyword phrases.

The Idea People Business Social Media Charlotte Social Media Business Workshops   Use Social Media to Grow Your BusinessWhere should you be feeding the search engines?  Your business should be on all of the mainstream social media sites:  Facebook, Twitter, Hotfrog, Yelp, Merchant Circle, LinkedIn, Blogger, WordPress, TypePad, Google Places, Buzz, and the list goes on.  And all of these social media sites should be updated at a minimum every week.

This one tip will grow your business:  Update your business social media sites every week with appropriate trophy keywords and keyword phrases that are highly-relevant to your business and customers.  There it is!  The answer to all of your new business prayers!  It takes time, but it makes sense.

The Idea People offers free social media workshops for business owners and marketing directors everyGrow Your Business Small Logo Charlotte Social Media Business Workshops   Use Social Media to Grow Your Business month.  Upcoming Charlotte Social Media Business Workshop dates include March 24 and April 7.  Each workshop is limited to four (4) business owners and is held from 3pm-5pm.  You’ll receive incredible behind-the-scenes tips, information, and real strategies on how to use social media to grow your business when you get back into the office.  RSVP here!

The Idea People provides an extensive, comprehensive business social media maintenance and development program for clients of all sizes.  To learn more about our business social media services to help you grow your business, please call Jay Joyce at 704-398-4437 or email