Monday, November 29, 2010

Your Charlotte Business Website Should Have These 5 Items In It!

The Internet and your Charlotte business web site should be dominant items on your business’ marketing and growth agenda in 2011.  Why?

1.  New, fresh, creative web design treatment.  This is important because your Charlotte business web site is the ultimate tool that you can give your customers and prospects to interact with your business.  Your web site creative design needs to be updated, current and fresh.  We are getting ready to launch our 2nd new web design for The Idea People web site in the past 11 months.

2.  Smart web site navigation.  What are the most important items that your customers will want to do business with your company in 2011?  And how will they be able to find these items on your web site?  It’s the navigation and the site architecture that leads customers to the information they want and to the information that YOU want them to have!  Breadcrumb trails…box navigation…highlighted categories…these are the web design tools for really smart navigation!

3.  Pictures on your web site.  People like pictures of products and services!  Use larger photos through your web site.  Have a picture gallery.  There are several really good web site photo gallery technologies that are popular and can be used on your web site.  Pictures can tell stories!

4.  Tell your business story.  Your Charlotte web site text should tell a story to customers and prospects.  What are your marketing messages?  Features and benefits?  Unique positioning?  Competitive differences?  Product or service personality?  Key people profiles?  These are important in crafting and telling your business story.

5.  Business Blog and Social Media!  If there were ever a “crystal ball” to marketing success in 2011, it would include a smart business Blog and social media mix!  You have to be where your customers are.  They are using social media.  Don’t ignore it!

If you would like an extra opinion, a second opinion or a first opinion on your Charlotte business web site, please call Jay Joyce at 704-398-4437 or email  We can help strengthen your business web site and social media position to help you grow your business in 2011!