Monday, November 14, 2011

Charlotte Pay-per-click PPC and Google AdWords Remarketing Web Campaigns Grow

the idea people cube ad 110411 Your Charlotte Web Needs Remarketing?Internet marketing and web design for Charlotte businesses is evolving every month, thanks to the mega forces of Google and Google AdWords.  The new online advertising and marketing tools that have been developed this year can really help your website marketing and SEO effort scoop in targeted customers.

The Idea People in Charlotte help our clients maintain forward momentum by understanding and implementing these new marketing technologies.

Have you heard of Remarketing from Google AdWords?  This is a unique and fabulous service that you really should review and implement with your AdWords PPC campaigns.

PPC Remarketing Campaigns with Google AdWords

So what is remarketing and why should it be important to you?  Remarketing allows you to reach people who previously visited your website, and match the right people with the right message. You can show users these messages as they browse sites across the Google Display Network. The Ads that you see on this blog post are Remarketing Ads in our campaign here at The Idea People.

Let’s say you are a business who sells Widgets and Zenons. You can show Widget ads to those people who visited the Zenon section, and you can cross-sell, up-sell, and promote other relevant products: Widget service agreements and Zenon add-ons, for example.  It’s an awesome program!  We use it at The Idea People to target web design and website application development traffic.

the idea people banner ad 110411 Your Charlotte Web Needs Remarketing?

Here’s how it works: You add a piece of code (remarketing tag) to pages of your site that correspond to certain categories you want to promote. For example, adding a tag for “Web Design” on all of the pages where you market Web Design services will let you later show relevant Web Design ads to everyone who visits those pages.

Remarketing is a tool that can drive ROI for all types of advertisers, regardless of the focus of your campaigns (brand-oriented, performance-driven, etc.) or your ad formats.

Search advertisers (pay-per-click ads) can use remarketing to create an integrated campaign strategy. After driving traffic to your site with search ads, you can then remarket to those users who reach your site by showing them tailored ads on sites throughout the Google Display Network.

When you combine your keyword campaigns with remarketing, you might see higher conversions for your campaigns overall. For example, if you have keywords that you don’t use because you haven’t seen conversions in the past, you can use these keywords to drive traffic to your site, and then remarket to the user to drive the conversion!

If you would like to learn more about Google AdWords, PPC (pay-per-click) Campaigns, keyword advertising, SEO and Remarketing, please call Jay Joyce at The Idea People at 704-398-4437 or email  We look forward to helping your business maximize website traffic and build new prospects!

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